Of Channels, soccer and Cheergals...

WC matches shown on ESPN n STAR doesnt have same ado as Champions League. Simultaneous telecast on STAR n ESPN for the 1st time yday and there was nothing for the prequel and aftermath of the matches for STAR, meanwile ESPN was on its usual self with Harsha was rattling out his football knowldege .. Even after the 1st half, no analysis or whatsoever on STAR.. they were jus showing the top 10 goals of this WC. This is THE WORLD CUP and much is expected outa of ESPN STAR !

One thing that can draw away men from football is probably women, TEN sports seems to get a cue from this and were telecasting a show on NHL cheergals and their life when the soccer matches were going on... :D

Flavor of every season !

Its fine to support minnows but its really iritating to see people belittle geniuses for no particular reason.. U see these kinda people everywhere even sitting right next to you derogating successful people.. nitpicking at small slips they make...and r bound to make..they are humans too..

Sachin has no steam left in him.. he is such a hyped batsman..
Illayaraaja is ok only for melodies
Federer cant play on clay
Schumacher won races jus coz Senna died !

U can hear all kinds of comments wherever u go... I jus simply could not understand why some people could not appreciate the best.. Ask them whats their best achivement in life other than picking their noses every 2 mins !

They dont stop defaming the masterminds, their sadistic nature blooms up whenever any of the geniuses slips a bit.. They are at their pinnacle of happiness whenever Bangladesh wins Australia, Nadal wins over FedEx, Mani Ratnam gives a flop, Schumi loses or Sachin fails to score..

Is it jealously that only some are successful ??
Or is it flavor of every season to get noticed ?!
crazy buggers !!


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