iPhone, 3G and WiFi..

the new Iphone rocks.. except for the no-3G and a meagre 2.0 MP cam.. but therz WiFi and Bluetooth 2.0.. Engadget had a gr8 live blog from Stevie J's key note.. Steve sure did rock . And Apple Computers is jus Apple Inc.

But I always wondered the emergence of wireless competition between 3G n Wimax .. sure and 3G - 4G is a wonderful technology.. but to get it to user level wud surely take time... but cant the same be made available with WiMax technology.??? sure for cellfone manufacturers it doesnt make a diff b/w incorporating a 802.11/b/g/n interface or a 3G system..

For service providers, new spectrum, new systems in place, new market.. and for users.. it would certainly cost them dear atleast till the market stabilises.. remember when cellfone came into existence, it was 8Rs outgoing n 4 for incoming. Only thing I see that brings the initial cost down is video call and may be video broadcast on 3G..I cant predict how video calls wud go well with Indians but I see IPTv thru wifi coming well ahead of 3G/4G mobile TV.

Tho 3G mobiles are very prevalent in India, only a couple of months back the Indian govt has granted permission to release 3G spectrum for service providers.. new spectrum, new hardware, new systems it wud atleast be 2010 for 3G market to gain momentum but making chennai/ blore wifi-ed wudnt take a month ?!! Ought to be cheaper and I see a nice market for IPTv here with ads.. Is some service provider listening ?

How abt this? Nokia-Tata Sky-Airtel broadband convergence.. Airtel can make the a city WiMax with 802.16e with 70Mbps speed. Tata Sky providing all the channels they provide thru broadband.. smaller screen, Less resolution, less bandwidth and Nokia providing mobile handsets with wiMax.

How will this business gonna do?!


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