Doubleclix !

By toutatis, how wud u name the Tamil dubbed version of Asterix n Obelix : Mission Cleopatra ?? Definitely not "Imsai Arasi 2-aam Cleopatra".. but thats exactly what they have named the Tamil version of the movie.. Whacky !!!


tryin' to become a digital fotographer from a digital camera owner(canon S2IS).. might start a fotoblog if am getting better !

Random thots !

its so sickening to watch tennis on TEN sports...far too less clarity .Thanks to ever increasing price of oil, these sheiks have all the money in the world. Now except Wimby all Grandslams on TEN sports. Whats with ESPN and STAR sports, they jus play old dull cricket matches n golf. they also lost champs league to TEN sports. How in the world they will show 2 matches simultaneously.. sick !

Sania's bigtime faking an accent and is as good as her 2nd serve.

Top quotes of last week.

Sania Mirza: I dint even know I am ranked 54. neways WTA rankings dont bother me. (what else does, then ?!)
Sourav : WC is not everything.Its jus hyped up coz its the world cup. (c'mon Mourinho, beat this !)

Watched Vetayaadu Vilayaadu last friday. Decent movie but more was expected off Kamal and Gautam. Kamal-JO romance was a kinda drag to such a story..but when viewed objectively, it was mature and couldnt have done in any other way. BTW where was Harris Jeyaraj, songs were pretty decent but the movie was badly missing the right kinda background score.


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