Counqueror's Expansion

Champions, Arbalests, Halberdiers, Trebuchets, Barracks, Knights were the only things going on in my mind over the last weekend, reason being a small AOE tournament held in my unit/DU/Dept.. whatever..

Was lucky to have friends who are born gamers as a team( me , rich and akhi). Totally 16 teams of 3 participated in knockout tournament of 2 rnds and a final. 1st two rounds were Death Matches and the final was a standard game. The 1st round was a bit tuf and we beat the oppenents in 45 mts (AOE time) but in the 2nd round we decimated the opposition in 28 minutes (again AOE time)

The final being a standard game took a little more than a hour and we emerged champions as the opposition could not stand akhi's invasion (as was the case in earlier rounds also).. Yep, I know I have to answer the question, what I was doing there.. Generally my fav past time is picking up relics and jus 1 was left to be picked up before Akhi and Rich thrashed the opposition and but I finished the game with resources enuf to make considerable amount of wonders :P

Tho I dont have a flair for gaming had a nice time thru out !


Why do ppl shout when taking a group foto ?!


One thing that never cease to amaze me is the responsibility of every Tom, Dick n Harry on the road to indicate that the headlight on ur vehicle is 'ON' ..yeah, of course during daytime ;) .. It wudnt be a surprise if everyone who have this unique responsibilty generally shows consideration to hell a lot of other things that shudnt b done in public places viz..spitting on the rd, throwing garbage etc..

But y this special consideration for the headlight.. n BTW what a gr8 sign someone has invented to indicate !! Does this prevail from days headlights were put on vehicles or is it jus the film 'Ullae Velliye'(One Sleazy Thamizh film) is solely responsible for the act.


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