passion !!!

Life is ..getting paid for pursuing ur passion...


Apple reports shipping Video IPODs with a windows virus RavMonE.exe... admitting it, interestingly it says

As you might imagine, we are upset at Windows for not being more hardy against such viruses, and even more upset with ourselves for not catching it.
Firefox 2.0 beta (starts downloading) is released. Diff b/w 2.0 n 1.5..

Each tab has a close button.
A pulldown menu at the end of the tabs with all the pages listed.
spell checks whenever we type in something in the browser..more 2wards web 2.0?!
Search completion in the search toolbar.. chk it out urself !!
Recently Closed Tabs in History section.

Try , the Indian search engine.. a nice one, shud be a nice one since its the only search engine which lists this blog as number 1, if u search for Sujay :)


The knights of Templar were killed on this day, friday the 13th of october.. Margarer Thatcher was born, Kishore kumar died on this day, O'Neal, Thorpedo all born on this day.. so was "wanna -be-gr8"guy.. me hitting quarter century 2day ..on friday the 13th... ne one with paraskavedekatriaphobia arnd ?!

sigh !!! 25 years.. seems a loong time, but on retrospect.. things jus happened.. school, college, all jus happened... lazily, was living jus the moment plannin whatsoever.. whew!!

hmmm.. Do I need to change ? be more resposible ??? GOK !!!


Chat b/w me n my friend..

me : hey dude, Arun contacted u ?!
he : illada (no da)
me: u went out somewhere during the weekend ?!
he : illada
me: ur answer for this Question also "illada ?" ?!
he : illada

Now this is a paradox, isnt it ?!


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