2 movies and an unconference -2


Attend the unconference wikicamp.in, India's first and only unconference on wikis's.. Had a chance to brush shoulders with Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia founder, Atul Chitnis, man behind Foss.in n SVP, GeoDisc , lot more of some intelluctual crowd n tech enthusiasts.

Having missed blogcamp and the barcamps, dint want to miss out on this. More on unconferences can be found at wikipedia and infact TKF, The Knowledge Foundation(team behind blogcamp and wikicamp) is planning out on a book on unconference, of course wiki based!

Jimmy Wales was so unassuming, had flown down to chn for this meet. He gave abt a dozen interviews, for media, podcasts for podcasters and atleast 100 fotograhic sessions. In his keynote to the unconference, he gave an insight on wikipedia, his current n future projects, wikia and wikia search, an open source search algorithm.

Prominent Wikipedia contributors had graced the occasion and gave a comprehensive insight of their wiki experiences.. The event went thru the aftertoon with some good lunch, some 'mokkai' sessions and meeting some interesting ppl.

Good thing(sometimes bad) abt unconferences is most ppl come to such events to be among the intelluctual crowd and in such cases, the theme of the event is lost sometimes. This event was no exception, tho the theme was abt wikis, ppl thronged arnd jimmy wales most of the time.
Overall a new n enriching experience.

Sagaro gives a neat preview of wikicamp.in and more fotos here


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