
Ever wondered what would have been Adam's surname? Considering that all surnames ..well most of them are based on ppl's occupation, after meticulous thought and analysis of all things he wud have probably done.. I strongly feel he shud have been Love. There you get the world's first surname. Even a few years back you would have seen certain David Love playing golf against certain Fred Couples(indicating, thats apart from what they do the best. Somewhere down the line circa no particular period, for all practical purposes , people changed their surnames and also dint stick to doing what their names claimed, else we wudnt have had an Engineer keeping wickets or a Courier delivering the best kick serve.

Surnames, sure are fascinating, diversified and perfect misnomers most of the time. A gal might still be Johnson(technically might be Williamson's, jus that Johnson isnt aware), So is the case of Indian pillais even if the baby is a gal. Indian surnames are mostly caste based, some are always Reddy, some crude and Rao, some really shetty. For a country like India so diverse, a typical south Indian would often associate Sharma with a bus rather than a Northie brahmin. Then there are godlevel surnames in Devar, found very south of India and warriers in nearby God's own country. Interestingly, Rajesh was really a pilot . Weirdly enuf Many of the Singh's in India are neither Sikh nor even Punjabi and have really bad voices. A few people have Mistry names named not so accordingly..

Very few like wordsmith had ever had a proper name, I would say or may be even Sharad Powar. There was an old joke arnd early 90s abt RSA cricketers not 2 have worried abt food ,they had Rice, Wessels and a Cook. thats better than their neighbour Zimbabwe's 1st president was actually a person named Banana, probably his mom thot Banana Sr was bad in bed ;) Noteworthingly,every one wanted Moore from Michael after his Farenheit 9/11. More often than less, we have surnames after ppl's jobs rather than the kind of job as in the case of Sooni Taraporevala.

O'Ghosh! there r so many interesting surname connects and disconnects, Woodbridge might never have been related to a Contractor nor a Sen, Dutch ! Udayar may even be a beggar and Tyagi never so, Mammooty aka Mohd Kutty, but a big actor. Bhat, of course !

1 Comment:

  1. Ram said...
    Easily one of ur best....

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