Salon is here, time for a saloon ??

One thing everyone in Infosys take pride in bragging abt Infy is its spectacular buildings, landscapes..It has almost everything, everything as in everything.. from dominoes to Coffeday to Amul, from tennis courts to cricket grounds.. world class gym, sauna, pool..facilities, best in it, Infy has it...
I usually say to my friends.. Infy has everything expect a barber shop.. but wait somebody has heard me say that, a lot of times too, now they have opened a new 'skin n Hair care salon' .. now what do I say?

salon is here, opening a saloon isnt very far I guess :)


  1. Jagan said...
    you guys got a pub in there ?
    Sujay said...
    chk my blog again after a few months.. I mite have an update on that ;)
    Expert Reviewer said...
    You have a massage centre ;)
    is it hte e-city campus u r talking about? Then you have world class hotels coming up there right? :)
    Whizkid said...
    Yupe, Hotels are coming up. Jus wondering if it is to accomodate employees in case of a la Mumbai situation (Post heavy rains)

    Now Sujay,

    Are these facilities the one thing that Infoscions boast of or is that the only thing they can boast of?? :-):-). hey, whatever it is, let the truth be between us. Not on web pages :-)
    Sujay said...
    @Sudha : yep, Hotels are coming up..
    @Raja : Let the secret of the Holy grail prevail...
    Whizkid said...
    Neither Do I wish to let the cat out of the bag dude :-)

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