Eve's drop

My trips to cbe, mostly been alone, not that I prefer but it too turns out to be as fascinating as a chat r with 'someone' ... Observing(!) ppl never fails to amuse u..Nope, I dont eavesdrop, u can call it overhearing *grin*

Last friday, I opted to board the Kurla at Cantontment station...(Not that I wanted a change, but dint want to miss the train..I almost missed once-thanx to the usual friday jam near Majestic) I reached Cant a big one hr b4 Kurla had planned to reach.. Now, the luxury of boarding at Cant is, with jus one platform, u have all the privilege in the world to observe all genre of ppl waiting for their trains across the platform..

I jus walked amidst the dense crowd hoping to find a congenial spot to place my baggage ..my ass as well, I was jus able to find a small elevated slab narrow enuf to place either my baggage or my butt, I resorted to place the thinner one..ya u r rite, my baggage..2 much digressing? ok, lemme get back.. I jus stood beside my baggage, with an air of indifference, back of mind tracing for a bait to make my ear drums n gray cells active..

Tracing jus stopped short when I heard two guyz talking in English with some accent and fluency ,I bet,any make BPO guy wud feel inferior...With some audacity I shud say, I shamelessly overheard their conversation.. They were talking how 'they' looked 'down' upon the BPO and the software industry. One quoted 'dumb jobs for dumb ppl'. Then the topic changed to the accents and content value they obsevere in such low profiled techies, seems its all pesudo-accents and failure to bring out adrenaline in their expressions. phew !! Perhaps, God is so dumb not to place Medulla oblongota not so near the vocal chords. From their talk abt presentations and English, I guessed they must be marketing grads from B-schools where they teach *Attitude*. They soon parted after a small hug and a kiss(!), much to my relief.

Some benches got free as special train to Chennai burdened itself with more passengers. I jus sat near a sober looking family, the only entertaining member being a kid counting the no. of bogies of a goods trains.. I becames nostalgic, as I used to do the same as a kid, half the time losing count midway.. A ringtone broke a brief silence as the young gal took out the 2100 (perfect handy tubelight !). She was talking to her collegemate about lackluster attitude of the Placement committee of their college and how it affected the careers of the students..Hmmm, if at all opportunities are even for everyone..God is definitely not communistic.. Next train on the track and more benches clear up...the family also boards the train..

Next train expected was mine and with a solid 20 mins to go, I found 2 hefty looking guyz heading straight to an empty bench near mine, close enuf for my ear drums to pick up sounds... In fact I wanted to read something, but the dimness of the light was sharp enuf to inflict some pain to my eyes, I prefered my ears to do the talking.. :) They were talking abt their good ol' college days where one was a big bully and how he attracted quite a no. of good looking babes by showing off his *attitude*... sure is, I mused. Topic came to how miser the Indian software paymasters are, while publicly discussing their salaries. Talk abt public displays of stupidity !!

Soom my train arrived, I boared amidst some shoving and pushing to find their 'allocated' berths.. INDIA?, I climbed on to my berth.. slowly dozing off to sleep...waiting for the TTR to check my ticket.. One quote came to my mind ..One cannot judge people, coz, people are people.. they are what they are !! - as quoted by Mr.beautiful accent guy .

Minutes ticking.. no sign of that bugger.. may be I shud shout like ambi(in anniyan) TTRRRRRRRRRR ....

Su J


  1. Jagan said...
    over hearing ah da ? my friend at times talks weird stuffs when he finds someone overhearing . he once talked abt how other guys (like the one overhearing us ) appeal to him ;-) . the guy who was overhearing us , literally ran away :-)
    Expert Reviewer said...
    Quite an experience, it is.. in the train.. lots of entertaining yet annoying stuff which keeps happening.. aana somehow timepass aagidum..
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