
One thing that never cease to amaze me is the responsibility of every Tom, Dick n Harry on the road to indicate that the headlight on ur vehicle is 'ON' ..yeah, of course during daytime ;) .. It wudnt be a surprise if everyone who have this unique responsibilty generally shows consideration to hell a lot of other things that shudnt b done in public places viz..spitting on the rd, throwing garbage etc..

But y this special consideration for the headlight.. n BTW what a gr8 sign someone has invented to indicate !! Does this prevail from days headlights were put on vehicles or is it jus the film 'Ullae Velliye'(One Sleazy Thamizh film) is solely responsible for the act.


  1. Anonymous said...
    After the demise of Dr.Rajkumar,the responsibility of every Tom, Dick n Harry on the road is on the limelight. What makes them so Crazy and why?why didn't they show their responsibility now?
    Anonymous said...
    Sleazy tamil flick, eh? Yethini thadava andha movie'a paathrukka?? ;-)
    Anonymous said...
    Sujay athu un fav film illai.. Neraya per doubt ellam theethu vechye da.. Neeya da athe Sleazy nu solare.. Unaku ennamo aachitichu da.. Veetla solli pei otta sollu..

    Yup Thts a crazy habit guys on roads have & craziest is guy like u noting the same.. When I was in Chennai ppl blink thier lights to indicate thta ur Lights are ON ( no matter who is drivin) ..

    P.S: Enda eppo paathulum Kettu vaangara maatiri eluthare ???
    Anonymous said...
    Brought up in TN i cannot stand this..Sujay how dare u rate uzhlle velliye a sleazy tamil u know parthiban's hardwork behind this movie?? it is not easy to play ""ghili danda" in such a manner....(i cannot fully explain the scene as sujay's blog may get blacked out by google)only god knows how many shots they took to complete the scene.....

    on the headlights .... i believe the inception would have come from some mischevious fellow ..who should have showed this sign to a gal(when the headlights were actually switched OFF) with a totally different intention (again censored).... on being caught he should have told tht he was indicating the headlights were ON there is the history....wht say??


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